Wars and rumors of wars
A plane carrying 300 souls is shot out of the sky over Ukraine. There's a massacre of Christians going on in Iraq. Israel and Gaza are throwing missiles at each another. And, potentially, we might enter a new Cold War with Russia, while North Korea's Dear Leader shoots off some missiles just because he can. Folks, things are not good. In case you missed it, the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Even profit-driven airlines are considering new, longer routes in order to avoid "conflict areas." These areas comprise a great deal of Africa and the Middle East. Oh, I nearly forgot ebola. Anyone see that movie Contagion ? No? Well, this is not a good time. Give it a pass for now. It's hard, even for someone who's rather genetically cheerful, to see how any of these world events is going to have hopeful outcomes. I don't believe in that "End Times" crap, but I can (almost) see why a person might . Another thing I've noticed,...