My Interfaith Spiritual Direction Page

What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is an ancient practice, common in many faith traditions. In Christianity, it originated with the desert fathers and mothers, those hermits who fled the increasingly institutional and bureaucratic church in the late third and fourth centuries. As hermits in the Egyptian and Syrian deserts, they were frequently sought out by spiritual seekers for their wisdom and counsel.

In the modern world, spiritual direction is simply a process of deep listening, gentle questioning, silence, and meditation -- no desert is required! Just a quiet spot in which to speak and listen.

As an Interfaith Minister, I practice spiritual direction in a much broader context than you may expect, depending upon a seeker's needs.

Why Do I Need a Spiritual Director?

Almost anyone can benefit from a deep conversation about life, its meaning, and our place in it.  You might be hoping to delve more deeply into the faith you learned as a child. Or you may be questioning that childhood faith, and trying to answer the questions it raises for you. You might even be hoping to find a faith that better expresses your own values about such things as equality and social justice.

Are you spiritually fluid --  perhaps participating in two faith communities at once, or wishing to? Maybe you are drawn to several faith traditions. Let's explore that. Are you spiritual but not religious?  Let's see how you can best live into that.

Maybe you're happily established in a faith tradition, and now you feel you might be called to serve as clergy, or to join a monastic order. That's wonderful.  Let's do some discernment around that question.

Or maybe you are in midlife, and sensing a vacant place where God might fit. Midlife is the perfect time to consider the health of your spirit.

As you can see, topics for conversation  are not limited. Spiritual directors listen without judgment. Believe me, I have been doing this ministry since 2009, and I am hard to shock.

I'm an atheist. Would you still talk to me?

I'd be delighted! I prefer a friendly atheist to a hide-bound fundamentalist any day. Whether you're atheist or agnostic, you still have a spirit (trust me).  Let's discover the things that give your life meaning, and see how you might be able to grow in pursuing them more deeply.

What qualifies you to do this work?

I'm a 2011 graduate of the Spiritual Guidance Program, at the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation in Washington, DC (check it out at  In 2016, I graduated with a Master of Theology (M.Th.) from the New Seminary for Interfaith Studies, the oldest interfaith seminary in the world (see -- some pages are currently being redesigned), and was ordained to interfaith ministry. When there's no pandemic, I serve as a volunteer chaplain at a local inpatient hospice. 

I'm also a member of Spiritual Directors International ( To find out more about spiritual direction, peruse the SDI site, which is full of information. 

What is Your Fee?

That's a sweet idea, but there's no fee. I was fortunate to have a good job as a university librarian for many years. Now it's time for me to give back. If you like working with me, give a small donation to your favorite animal shelter. That would make me happy. Or adopt a pet! That would make me even happier.

Do you meet people in your home?

I do, but not right now, because of the pandemic.  Right now I'm seeing people on Zoom.

How can I contact you?

Send me a little email at I'll be prompt in replying.


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