Introvert Heaven, or, Read this book!
I finally made it into a book! the whole book, in fact, is about me. I am the star of every page! I'm reading Quiet: the power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking , by Susan Cain. If you're an introvert, know an introvert, live with an introvert, can't figure out introverts, or are driven crazy by introverts, read this book! If you're part of the working world that promotes extroversion as the ideal, read this book! I already knew I'm an INFP and an Enneagram type 9 (peacemaker; conflict avoidant). But Cain's book highlights many everyday ways in which I express my basic introversion. I can read forever, losing all track of time; I feel I best express myself when I write; I like to work alone, and I hate having to supervise anyone else; and I don't do my best work on teams. And there's the vacation thing, a constant source of stress in my house. I could write a whole book about this myself. Vacation for my husband means sightsee...