
Last night we celebrated Christ's Ascension with a 7:30 service. We went all-out: choir, bell-choir, a wonderful homily, and a nice reception to follow.

Too bad only 6 people came.

OK, it was a week-night. OK, it was threatening to rain.

But where was everyone?

In the chancel, it was beastly hot. Sweat ran down between my shoulder-blades. The Rector had declined, when asked, to turn on the air conditioning (I wish, for him, 15 minutes of menopause!). After I nearly dropped the big E bell because my hand was so moist, it occurred to me that I should have changed out of the jeans that had now molded themselves to my rump.

I guess Ascension seems like an anti-climax to some people. After Easter, attendance goes way down, as folks begin to open up their beach houses and dust off the golf clubs. Jesus has safely risen -- where's the sunscreen? We'll see you again when Sunday school starts up in the fall!

Oh well. These services are not for us, after all.

Jesus has ascended! Alleluia!


Anonymous said…
Sorry to hear that nobody was there, especially with all that good music. I don't think it's much of a tradition in that parish - am I remembering incorrectly? It's a pretty big deal at some of the churches here, but many seminarians don't remember it being observed in their home parishes.

I hope there is a good turn out for Pentecost even though it's a holiday weekend...

the lazy seminarian

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