Worship Leader crashes and burns!

Yesterday was my first time as Worship Leader (what the Church on the Pike calls Lay Readers). Let me tell you, I covered myself in glory -- NOT.

At the 8 AM service, which is a Rite I spoken service and very traditional, I inadvertently started the wrong form of the Nicene Creed ("We believe ..."). About 3 lines in, everyone reverted to the "I believe" form (the Rector, standing next to me, was giggling in my ear over this). So I just followed the congregation.

At the 10:00 service, which was Morning Prayer because we were going directly afterwards to our annual picnic, I introduced the Apostles' Creed as the Nicene Creed! Now I say the Apostle's Creed AT LEAST once per day, so you would think I'd know the difference!

So there you have it: my debut. I'm now 0 for 2!


sharecropper said…
Hi, Judith, no big mistakes - at least you didn't start on the wrong page as I have done.

I have tagged you for a meme. See my blog for details. Good luck.
Anonymous said…
Well, I hope the picnic was good! Just kidding; don't let these little things hold you back from doing it again. I admire all of you lay readers; I'm way too nervous in front of groups to do anything of the sort.
Anonymous said…

It happens to the best of us...

I could make a LONG list of the things I messed up in Chapel this year... starting with a major screw up of a gospel procession...


the ditzy seminarian

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