Moonflower report
grew like mad all summer, twining around and around my center porch post. June turned into July, July into August, and Labor Day arrived -- but no flowers. I had begun to think the light was wrong; I had overwatered them; I had not fertilized them enough.
Then, on my way out to choir practice tonight, I noticed little bulgy white buds! This is what they looked like at 6:30 PM.
When I got home from choir, it was fully dark, about 9:15 . And since moonflowers bloom only at night, this is what greeted me on my porch.
Woo hoo! Only one flower has opened, but it's one more than I had yesterday.
Back when my moonflowers were only seedlings, I recall feeling they might be a metaphor for my spiritual growth. I don't think I have flowers yet, but I possibly have leaves.
Small leaves! But it's a start. Thanks be to God!
Back when my moonflowers were only seedlings, I recall feeling they might be a metaphor for my spiritual growth. I don't think I have flowers yet, but I possibly have leaves.
Small leaves! But it's a start. Thanks be to God!