California Fires

This morning I emailed a friend of mine, who works at UC Irvine, to see if she'd been evacuated (my knowledge of California geography is sketchy, at best, so I email her any time there's a fire). She replied that things are much worse in San Diego County than where she lives in Laguna Niguel, but that she's worried about the smoky air. It seems her parents live with her and her husband, and they both have cardiac issues. Not a good scene for them.

So I have been praying fervently all day for the Santa Ana winds to die down. For rain. For anything that will save lives and homes. For Wanda and D.J., and for Wanda's mom and dad.

And for everybody else. It's a big prayer, but there you go.


Jan said…
I needed this prayer and the reminder to pray. Thank you.
Jan said…
Judith, thank you for coming by my blog and sharing about your dad. They are always in our hearts.

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