Icons ? I can hear my mother's voice now. She was never shy about expressing herself. Icons? What's next, a plastic light-up Virgin Mary for the front lawn? A little grotto back by the birdbath? Mom was fiercely protestant (maybe, in her case, Protestant -- and Episcopal "low church"). Communion should be once a month, whether you needed it or not. I never saw her cross herself. Confession? We do that all together on Sunday. Who needs to do that in a dark, little booth? And icons? Forget it! Maybe she would be relieved by my very sparing and judicious use of icons (I would be more lavish, but my study is a very small room). Mother Julian, Jesus, Mary, and assorted saints line one bookshelf. I have several wall crosses of varying styles, from stained glass to ceramic to wood. And then, above my desk, there's Big Jesus. Big Jesus is not really that big -- he's about 8" x 10". I picked this particular icon because, to my mind, its depiction ...
I've tagged you for a book meme; hope you don't mind!
The Psaltery