From the sublime to the offensive!

Well, maybe not all.
Thanks to MadPriest for his post on 3/29, alerting us to more words of wisdom spoken by my own personal nemesis. Pastor Rick Warren's enlightened stance on LGBT issues was quoted in the Monitor, published in Uganda, in the issue for that same day. I looked it up in Westlaw, and I think it's worth quoting in full (just for that full, rancid, fundamentalist flavor):
Famed American pastor, Dr Rick Warren has said he supports the decision by Ugandan bishops to boycott the forthcoming Lamebth [ sic] conference in England, United Kingdom.
The conference brings together Bishops of the Anglican Communion from all 38 Provinces of the Communion every 10 years.
"The Church of England is wrong and I support the Church of Uganda (CoU) on the boycott,"Dr Warren said on Thursday shortly after arriving in Uganda.
The Bishops are protesting the Church of England's tolerance a [sic] homosexuality. Announcing the boycott in February, Archbishop Henry Luke Orombi said that Uganda's action had been prompted by the invitation of bishops of The US Episcopal Church (TEC) who in 2003 elected as bishop, Gene Robinson, a divorced man living in an active homosexual relationship.
Rev. Orombi said the Archbishops of all the 38 Provinces of the Anglican Communion strongly opposed the election of Gene Robinson as bishop - and in a meeting shortly after the election "warned that, if they proceeded with the consecration, their action would "tear the fabric of the Anglican Communion at its deepest level."
Dr Warren said that homosexuality is not a natural way of life and thus not a human right. "We shall not tolerate this aspect at all," Dr Warren said.
Gosh! My head is spinning! From Nhat Hanh's book on the best attributes of Christianity and Buddhism to the prime example of Christianity at its worst (equaled only, perhaps, by the crusades and the Middle East policy of the Bush administration). How does this troglodyte continue to get into print? Why go to Africa to combat HIV/AIDS, if you're ready to throw other people under the bus? It's enough to make Jesus weep.
Go to MadPriest's post mentioned above to see some very unflattering pictures of Uncle Rick. Pastor Warren, crawl back into your primordial muck-hole, please, and take your offensive attitudes with you. The Episcopal Church does not need your help. I already know of a perfectly good one you've ruined!
And you know how Jesus hardly ever hung around with anyone who wasn't in line with the main line theology...
Oh dear. So wrong.
In the words of Thomas Merton:
Don’t set limits to the mercy of God.
Don’t believe that because you are not pleasing to yourself
you are not pleasing to God.
God does not ask for results.
God asks for love.
–Thomas Merton
God asks for love. Period.
As usual, I'm a day late and a dollar short: Yesterday was "Blogger Appreciation Day," or so I was told. My intention was to comment at each blog on my Bloglines subscription, but you know where the road paved with good intentions leads...
So here's a note to let you know that I appreciate you and your writing. Thanks for blogging.
I'm going to have to find "Living Buddha, Living Christ." Thanks for the recommendation.
My name is Sean, I clicked over here from contemplative haven.
Thich Nhat Hanh, along with the current Dalai Lama, and Thomas Merton are the most influentiial spiritual writers in my life at this point. Actually, the interconnectedness (wow, is that a word?) of the three is what brought me from fringe Buddhist to reconverted catholic. I never knew just how connected they were until I read Mertons Asian Journal.
Thank you so much, I really like your style over here on mystic midget.