Bishop Robinson's Lambeth Blog

I've been engrossed lately in reading Bishop Gene Robinson's Lambeth blog, which you can find here. I recommend it to everyone. Though he has been, sadly, excluded from the formal proceedings, Bishop Robinson has managed to connect in a positive way with many, many people who are showing support. Please join me in praying for a successful journey for him, and a bit more tolerance on the part of certain Bishops I will not name. But we all know who they are.


Jan said…
Thank you so much for the link!
Anonymous said…
I am so glad he is blogging - I really wanted to know about his experience and there's no other way we'd get to find out about it.

You might be interested to know that there are also blogging bishops (such as the bishop of NJ - link under news on the Dio NJ website) and blogging stewards (college students and grad students who basically run all the logistics, supervise volunteers, etc.)

For any who reads this blog and is wondering what he's like, Bishop Robinson is the real deal - when you meet him in person it is clear he is truly called to the episcopate. His theology is very orthodox (in fact almost too orthodox for some of the feminist and liberation theology folks I know) and he'd really prefer to talk about Jesus and figuring out what God is doing in people's lives, not sexuality. New Hampshire is lucky to have a bishop like him.

My heart really goes out to him b/c I don't think anyone asks to be surrounded by this kind of chaos just for doing what they are called to do. I have a number of gay and lesbian colleagues I love and admire that I believe will one day find themselves nominated for the episcopate. I can only hope that they don't have to face what this man has experienced.
Stratoz said…
thank you for the link

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