Double-Digit February!

Happy Double-Digit February, everyone!

I am always a bit happier when the tenth of February arrives. Most years, the weather has begun to moderate somewhat; we have often had our last snow; and if you look closely (very closely, with a lot of hope!), you can see the very tips of crocuses peeking from the earth.

This morning, the birds were having a convention in my yard -- at first light, when they woke me up! Thanks, birdies (grumble, grumble).

At the Church on the Hill, we are beginning to gear up for Lent. The Julian Gathering's first official meeting will be on the 19th of this month, and the chapel we are constructing from an old Sunday School room now has a new rug (rolled up and waiting for paint to be selected).

At home, our sometimes-wayward son is back in college and doing well (at least, today!). Our daughter has had several dental-school interviews, and is hoping for a few more. It seems like it will be an exciting spring, once it arrives.

How about you? What are you planning for spring?


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