Tropical Easter eggs

It amuses my kids that I still love to dye Easter eggs -- not for them, but for myself! It's just not Easter for me if I don't have eggs. I put into them all the love and care that I can't seem to summon for the Christmas tree.

Every year, however,my Easter eggs come out pale pastel, sort of wan-looking if I'm honest. This year, I decided I wanted bolder, more "in-your-face" colors. So I experimented with the "recipe."

I bought two packages of the PAAS Easter egg dye (instead of just one), and when I mixed the colors I used two tablets of each color plus 4 1/2 tablespoons of white vinegar. After the tablets dissolved, I put in the recommended amount of water (1/2 cup). And voila! Brighter eggs! Tropical eggs, perhaps?

Which reminds me that I could make pineapple casserole to go with the ham ...


Jan said…
Great eggs. Mine have always been pale, too. We haven't dyed eggs for two years now. NEXT year I'll try to remember to follow your plan!
Carolyn said…
My MIL taught me to use beet juice for a great red. It works!

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