Is it spring yet?

OK, I've had it. I do love winter, but ...
Lots of snow on December 19th. A ton of snow last weekend.
And tonight? More snow. Snow continuing tomorrow. High winds. The fun just keeps coming.
Meetings are cancelled. Doctor's appointments are cancelled. My street looks like the frozen tundra.
I got these tulips last Sunday, after the plows had passed and I could finally get out to buy food. They're all that's keeping me hanging on.
That, and the thought that work might be closed tomorrow .....
in our antlike steps there can be elephantine majesty
making peripatetic steps in the blogosphere & discovering yr marvelous realm here i thought you might like a heads-up about a new book by margaret mcgee on haiku (& lectio divina etc) but your book list here is sooo lonnnng i'm reluctant to add another word to your eminent stack. (i personally love living buddha, living christ so much!) that said, i'm also honored indeed to see my own humble tome has found a reader in you. if you have any questions comments criticism etc abt the complete idiot's guide to buddhism please dont hesitate to drop me a note ( gary [dot] gach [at] gmail [dot] com ) of course the best books are still in trees
blessings be
palms joined
Many thanks for your message. The book on haiku sounds wonderful -- I will check it out!
A suggestion for your excellent photo: next time, get a telephone in the shot, too, and then you can sing:
"Put your tulips a little closer to the phone. . ."
Okay, I apologize.