Walk across my swimming pool!

I got home rather late last night, after a long, fruitful meeting with a directee, a meeting accompanied by some excellent General Tso's chicken (the Holy Spirit moves quite often, now as in the Gospels, through a shared meal; or it could be that I simply like to eat, especially Chinese food).

To my sheer delight, when I flipped through the channels, there was the 1973 film version of Jesus Christ Superstar, which most people reading this are too young to remember. This film, along with Godspell , actually helped to bring me back to church after a long absence.  I was tired last night and wanted to sleep, but I had  to stay up to hear "Herod's Song," featuring the wonderful Josh Mostel as Herod Antipas. Even in the negative context of the Gospel story, the song is very amusing, especially the immortal lines Herod directs at Jesus:

                          "Prove to me that you're no fool --
                          Walk across my swimming pool!"

a line I have been humming all day, to the mystification of my (younger) co-workers. Here's Josh Mostel on Youtube. I especially like the honky-tonk piano accompaniment.


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