Flipping the calendar page

I always feel optimistic when I turn the page of the calendar on the back of the kitchen door from August to September. Call it a memory of school days, my own or my children's; call it the promise of a new season starting; maybe it's just the hope of relief from this summer's blazing heat. Whatever the source, I get a burst of energy as August ends.

Today we are enjoying the rain delivered by the remnants of Hurricane Isaac, heading out to the Atlantic. The rain was not constant, however, so I was able to fill the five bird feeders and carry the potted hostas out to the back patio, where they'll eventually die back and become dormant till spring. I think the hummingbirds have gone on their long migration, so I stored that feeder for the winter. The bedraggled baskets of impatiens refused to stay alive in the heat we had this summer, so they've been replaced on the front porch by hanging baskets of mums in that deep cinnamon color I love.

I am ready for fall now, eager for this new season. Not dormant at all!


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