The big chill is coming

Dark comes early now with the return to standard time. After a temporary time-change reprieve, we will soon be rising in the darkness again, as well as finishing work after the sun has set.
Doesn't one of our canticles name this the "enfolding dark"? I don't feel enfolded. I feel benighted!
And now, thanks to former-Typhoon Nuri, the weather folks are promising us a big shot of very cold air intruding behind a sagging jet stream. Thanks, it's just what I wanted! My body is already telling me, "Don't bother getting any exercise. You really want to hibernate. Let's wake up about the end of March." Does this mean I can first bulk up on carbs? Because that's the other thing my nady wants right now.
And to make things even cheerier? No furniture on the whole first floor. All of it is sitting in a Pod on the driveway, as we prepare for the floor refinishers later this week. I have a nice fireplace that works, but nowhere to sit. I suppose the dogs and I could lie on a blanket before the fire, on the hard, hard, hardwood floor. Or ... I could do that hibernation thing!
Pounds of pasta first, then a good long sleep. What's not to like?