Olde Seminarian is ordained!
Wow! What an experience! You can see me in the picture -- I'm the short one (of course) on the right.
Despite exhilaration and a sense of accomplishment, I was so, so tired after the ceremony and the long drive home. The following day, I was exhausted, and sat more or less in a lump, staring blankly at the TV.
Now, today, I feel a bit better, more energetic. But I also feel ... new.
"New" is not a typical feeling for me, as my 63rd birthday approaches in August. But new is how I feel. I feel very tender and vulnerable, as if I have lost a gigantic scab and found pink, baby skin beneath it. This new baby skin has to mature, toughen, with exposure to air and sun.
So for the moment I'm lying low, taking a little time, waiting patiently as the threads of vocation quietly come together and I feel ready to do more.
If you want me in the next week or two, I'll be on my porch!