September sizzle

I've been taking an informal survey among my friends. Of those of us who grew up around here (the tri-state area of PA-NJ-DE), none of us remembers this kind of heat in September. Yet here we are, approaching the middle of the month, and my weather app informs me that it's 95 degrees.

95 degrees.

Since I've always worked in academia, the arrival of September always brings me a jolt of energy: the kids are back to school, the leaves are turning brilliant colors, the nights are crisp and cool. All the cute sweaters we've bought for fall are hanging in the closet, begging to be worn.

Yeah, OK. No jolt of energy this year. The kids are back to school and sweltering in their classrooms. The leaves are falling because they're dead. The nights are muggy, just as they were in July. And the cute fall sweaters are jammed into the back of the closet, because we're still wearing summer tops.

And the regional forecast for the fall? Warm. Much above average. No suede boots for me. Flip-flops, maybe.

I hate to complain, but I will anyway. My husband read an article last year that suggested Philly would become the new Miami, once climate change really kicks in. Well, it may be happening, ladies and gents. And we'll need a new Miami, because the old one will be underwater.

So, all you climate-change deniers, listen up. Better still, come and sit with me on my porch. We can sip iced tea while you tell me this is just a normal weather variation.

Except, as my grandma would have said, "It ain't true."


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