Holy Week FAIL!

Holy Week, like all of Lent that precedes it, should be a time of faithful reflection, of additional reading or other practices which deepen our faith. We should build in extra time for solitude, for retreats, for time away with God.

Have I achieved this in my life? In addition to working four full days, here's the rest of my schedule for Holy Week. You be the judge!

     Monday night:  pick up new glasses; buy a couple of small Easter gifts; LAUNDRY

     Tuesday night: choir practice moved up to 7 PM; DO LAUNDRY POSTPONED FROM LAST NIGHT

     Wednesday night: Tenebrae at 7:30; DEFINITELY DO LAUNDRY

     Thursday night: choir at Maundy Thursday service at 7:30; watch in the garden, 9:00-? FINALLY DO LAUNDRY. LOW UNDERWEAR ALERT!

     Friday (vacation day??): dye 4 dozen eggs; buy some chocolate for kids; figure out what to have for Easter dinner, since J. doesn't want ham again; food shopping? Noon: Stations of the Cross; 7:30: choir at Good Friday service; ABSOLUTE LAST CALL FOR LAUNDRY

     Saturday: play catch-up doing errands all day; 8:00: choir at Easter Vigil; IF I DON'T DO LAUNDRY TONIGHT, I WILL BE WEARING DIRTY CLOTHES ON EASTER

OK, so you get the drift. I get a Holy Week FAIL. My life is totally out of whack.

And I bet I'm not alone ....



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