Last rites

Today was the final service at the church where I grew up, the Cathedral Church of Saint John, in Wilmington, Delaware. As of July 31, the Episcopal Diocese of Delaware will no longer have a cathedral. I know this has happened for lack of funds; in my current diocese, quite a few churches have merged or closed in the last decade or more, and out cathedral is always in need of money. 

At the altar to the left, I was baptized, confirmed, and married.  On July 8, I attended the 10:30 service and said goodbye. What will happen to the cathedral building is anyone's guess. The pipe organ has already been sold. I guess that's a good thing. At least something has been saved.

Change happens. However, it often takes a good bit of us with it when it does.


MadPriest said…
Yes. That must be a great sadness for you, Judy. I pray that its next usage will somehow reflect its past.
Anonymous said…
We are so lucky to have your prophetic ministry-what a shame your church is shrinking away so fast.

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