
Friday fun

Gee, I always think of myself as kind of resourceful. Guess not. You guys will have to fight the zombies by yourselves. Good luck! Go with God! 37% Mingle 2 - Free Online Dating

Crabgrass on the loose!

Having read quite a few articles about declining populations of songbirds, frogs, and honeybees, my husband and I have asked our lawn care company (known at our house as the "Grass People") to cease using any and all chemical pesticides on our lawn. Naturally, they argued with me a bit, and employed their secret weapon. "You know you'll have weeds now," said the Grass Person to whom I was speaking. "We can still use organics on your lawn, but they won't prevent ... crabgrass." I guess she was waiting for the gasp of dismay that didn't come. The threat of the evil and greatly feared crabgrass failed to move me. World hunger moves me. Genocide in Darfur moves me. Dead songbirds and mutated frogs with two heads move me. Crabgrass -- no. Lawns are highly overrated, in my view, and if I had my way, we would completely cease paying money to the Grass People. In fact, if I had my way, we would let the front lawn grow into a luxuriant meadow, full ...

I've been tagged ...

I've been tagged by Share Cropper . So here goes. 1.I have to post these rules before I give you the facts. 2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves. 3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. 4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. 5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged (which I have forgotten to do several times!), and to read your blog. My eight random facts. 1. I love cookbooks and cooking magazines. I love to read recipes! I love to do all this while I'm eating my peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich and my Progresso tomato soup. With dill pickles and chips. Or while I'm eating my formerly-frozen chicken pot pie or fish fingers. Actual cooking is not for me, except now and then on the weekends. I would adore going out to dinner on Thanksgiving and Christmas, but I haven't been able to sell this to ...

Worship Leader crashes and burns!

Yesterday was my first time as Worship Leader (what the Church on the Pike calls Lay Readers). Let me tell you, I covered myself in glory -- NOT. At the 8 AM service, which is a Rite I spoken service and very traditional, I inadvertently started the wrong form of the Nicene Creed ("We believe ..."). About 3 lines in, everyone reverted to the "I believe" form (the Rector, standing next to me, was giggling in my ear over this). So I just followed the congregation. At the 10:00 service, which was Morning Prayer because we were going directly afterwards to our annual picnic, I introduced the Apostles' Creed as the Nicene Creed! Now I say the Apostle's Creed AT LEAST once per day, so you would think I'd know the difference! So there you have it: my debut. I'm now 0 for 2!

Eucharistic theology

Uh oh! Looks like I'm slipping in an eastward direction. First the icons, now this quiz! What would Mom say to this ? You scored as Orthodox , You are Orthodox, worshiping the mystery of the Holy Trinity in the great liturgy whereby Jesus is present through the Spirit in a real yet mysterious way, a meal that is also a sacrifice. Orthodox 75% Calvin 69% Catholic 50% Luther 44% Zwingli 31% Unitarian 0% Eucharistic theology created with


Icons ? I can hear my mother's voice now. She was never shy about expressing herself. Icons? What's next, a plastic light-up Virgin Mary for the front lawn? A little grotto back by the birdbath? Mom was fiercely protestant (maybe, in her case, Protestant -- and Episcopal "low church"). Communion should be once a month, whether you needed it or not. I never saw her cross herself. Confession? We do that all together on Sunday. Who needs to do that in a dark, little booth? And icons? Forget it! Maybe she would be relieved by my very sparing and judicious use of icons (I would be more lavish, but my study is a very small room). Mother Julian, Jesus, Mary, and assorted saints line one bookshelf. I have several wall crosses of varying styles, from stained glass to ceramic to wood. And then, above my desk, there's Big Jesus. Big Jesus is not really that big -- he's about 8" x 10". I picked this particular icon because, to my mind, its depiction ...

The mammogram cometh ....

I had my annual mammogram this morning. Thank God, it was OK. This is a high-anxiety time for me, since I had the biopsy many years ago in 1991 (which was negative. Another big Thank God). At the radiology practice I use, they understand this anxiety, so the doctor reads the x-ray right away and lets you know. They also have a computer that scans the x-ray and double-checks the doctor. That's a big plus in my book. So I guess I'm good for another 12,000 miles. Thank you, Lord!