Taking a breath ....

We're having unseasonably warm weather here in the East, and it does detract a bit from the season. Who feels like baking when it's 60 degrees and the windows are open? I don't feel much like baking under even the best of conditions ...

I'm doing a duet ("Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring") on Sunday with one of our sopranos, and my poor piano is so out of tune that I have had trouble plunking it out. One New Year's resolution will be to get the poor thing tuned. At least that's easier than losing weight!

Presents: bought but not wrapped. I cut back considerably from previous years. Gift cards are just fine, especially for adult children. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I actually got half a llama one Christmas, through the Heifer Project, and I loved knowing that what would have been a present was used to help someone in need -- but I doubt that the kids would really appreciate a flock of chickens, or a cow. I would never hear the end of it.

But right now I'm taking a break, and toddling off to say Evening Prayer (a little late).


Rachel Nguyen said…
We've done heifer project Christmases before... a pair of ducks for him, a goat for her. It was good fun!

For me, I dread receiving stuff almost as much as I dread buying it for others. I can barely keep a lid on the clutter as it is!

Bring on the water buffalo!

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