The tree is up, but ...

We finished trimming the Christmas tree last night. The "theme" this year is red and gold (Why? I don't like warm colors, generally). The boxes of decorations are restowed in the basement. But I still don't have any Christmas spirit.

I have been known to say that I would love to sleep from the day after Thanksgiving until January 2! Hustle and bustle just wear me out. I went by our local mall last weekend, just to "put my toe in the water," saw that the parking lot was completely full, and decided to buy everything online. I hate crowds!

I wonder ... Would Jesus recognize the fact that we are celebrating His birthday? As we wallow in consumerism, do we just postpone Him for consideration only in the Midnight Mass? Reading an Advent book helps to keep me focused. But, at the bottom, it's largely emptiness that I feel in Advent.

But I suppose our emptiness is why He came, isn't it?


Rachel Nguyen said…
Emptiness is part of the deal, I think. It can be a very dark time, sometimes, leading up to the birth of light. I am always slightly shocked at how difficult it is to observe the penitential aspects of Advent during the chaos of the marketing blitz.

But every now and then I have a quiet moment... and I am reminded that this time of emptiness before the birth can be a time of inner reflection as I prepare the way of the Lord.

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