Blue blue Christmas ...

This year, Christmas will be blue at our house.

"Not gold?" asked J., with a memory of having purchased lots of gold ornaments last year. "Not red?"

"No," I said, handing him several blue garlands for the tree. The tree will be mainly blue, with lots and lots of white lights, glass icicles, and glass raindrops. I also have a blue-accented wreath, which will find its place on the living-room wall the next time J. goes out to play tennis. And there are blue candles. And blue lamp oil in the lamps.

J. looked around in dismay. "Blue isn't even a Christmas color."

"It is now," I answered.

OK. Maybe I have overdone it. Next year I will be more restrained.

Maybe next year will be green.


Anonymous said…
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June Butler said…
Judith, are you blue?

Some years ago, alas, many years ago, when aluminum Christmas trees were the cool thing, blue ornaments were popular, too.
Doorman-Priest said…
I think we've tried every coloUr but blue. Red is the final favoUrite. Blue looks nice. May give that a go next year.
Jan said…
Judith, thanks for visiting my blog. Where do you live in NJ? We lived for two years in Morristown.
Sophia said…
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Anonymous said…
My sister uses the same Christmas-tree colour scheme as you describe in your post, and it always looks beautiful, with a fairy-like delicacy to it. It is especially lovely in the evening, with candlelight.

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