Doing the happy dance in New Jersey!

Make all the jokes you want to about the Turnpike and the mob, but I LOVE New Jersey!

In this state we have not executed anyone since 1963 ... and we may never execute anyone else. This is from the KYW newsradio website, and I have been waiting to read it for years:

The New Jersey state senate has approved a measure outlawing the death penalty in that state. If this measure becomes law, New Jersey would be the first state to abolish the death penalty since the US Supreme Court allowed states to reinstate it in 1976. A vote is expected in the state Assembly on Thursday, and Governor Corzine has said he will sign the bill into law.

Yee hah! I have felt for years that the death penalty is barbaric, insupportable, unevenly applied in the courts ... a tragedy. Tonight I'm saying a prayer for all those legislators who have voted to outlaw judicial murder. May NJ be the first of many states to take this step.

So this proud Jersey girl is praying for Thursday's vote ... and asking you to pray with her!


Anonymous said…
Yay! NJ has never had the political support for it, so even if it doesn't pass, it is unlikely that anyone will be executed in the near or distant future. They've been working on this ban for years - it would be great if they finally get it done for real. I wonder what the status of the bill is in the assembly?
Anonymous said…
By "never had the political support for it" I meant the death penalty. Thank God we've never really been like, say, Texas.

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