And the Holy Spirit Said ...
"8:00!! Jude! Get up!" And I rolled over and groaned -- I was so warm under the covers. I thought, I can try a new church next week ...there's always next Sunday ..." And the Holy Spirit said again, "Jude! GET UP!! NOW!!" And I rolled reluctantly out of bed. And I thought, What if I don't like it? What if they don't like me? What if nobody talks to me? "Then talk to them first," the Holy Spirit said. "And, while we're on the subject, it's OK to stop whining now." The Holy Spirit has always sounded a lot like my mom. Perhaps that's why I listen sometimes, and why I have always thought the Holy Spirit is female. So I went to the little church on the hill in the country, after picking up my friend for moral support. It was a beautiful late-fall morning. We finally got our fall color, though after Thanksgiving this year. The church was charming: small, old, with about 12 pews on each side. The service was blessedly fa...